Speech Pathology sessions can teach children to say and hear the correct sounds. This helps them to continue on their reading and writing journey.
Speech Pathology sessions can help children to use sounds clearly and try to use new words and types of sentences. The earlier this starts, the easier it is for the child to learn.
Speech Pathology sessions can help the child to make themself understood. This usually has a positive impact on the child's ability to interact with other people, helping them to be less frustrated.
Speech Pathology sessions may help your child to understand what is said to them at home and in school, so that they can keep learning.
Talking refers to the ability to express yourself clearly, including:
Talking is crucial to a child's social and emotional development, as it allows:
Talking helps learning, through
Speech Pathology sessions can help a child to learn new words, put them together in sentences and improve their ability to express their thoughts, ideas and other specific messages. This will help the child interact with other people and improve their general learning.
Learning to read and write can be a long and complex task. If your child is having trouble learning to read and write, there is a large range of factors that could be holding them back.
Speech Pathologists are trained to carefully assess many factors that affect reading and writing, and provide the right kind of treatment.
There are different types of stuttering. Some stutters go away on their own without treatment. Other types of stutters do not go away on their own, but do go away after Speech Pathology treatment.
This means it is tricky to compare your child's stutter to your friend's child. They may not have the same kind of stutter.
Speech Pathology sessions can usually help to get rid of the child's stutter over time.